CANARI collaborates and develops partnerships with key stakeholders throughout the Caribbean and across the globe.
Partnerships support delivery of CANARI’s mission by:
Our partners include resource users, CSOs, research institutes; donors, government and intergovernmental agencies, and the private sector. CANARI’s partnerships may be broad-based medium- to long-term collaborations or focused on short-term specific areas of cooperation.
We actively seek new partners and welcome inquiries on opportunities that meet our partnership principles.
CANARI has developed long-term partnership arrangements with national, regional and international organisations where there are clear mutual, ongoing strategic benefits to be gained from collaborating. Our key regional partners include the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat and its technical agencies, such as the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC).
CANARI also collaborates closely with the University of the West Indies Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies (UWI CERMES). We are a founding member of Nature Caribé, an alliance of Caribbean CSOs. Internationally, we work closely with United Nations agencies like the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). Key global partners include the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and the Green Economy Coalition (GEC). These relationships have contributed significantly to CANARI’s development and the results we have achieved.
Click here if you are interested in a long-term/formal partnership with CANARI.
CANARI a has a long history of providing technical support to governments, international and regional agencies, academia, CSOs and resource users to assist in the efficient and effective development and implementation of their Caribbean projects and programmes. Technical assistance projects span our programme areas.
Click here for more details on our areas of technical expertise, recent technical assistance projects or to approach us for technical support.
CANARI partners with other organisations for the development and implementation of specific projects. Building and participating in such teams enables CANARI to apply for and benefit from a wider range of funding to further work in our programme areas.
Click here for recent examples of these projects and our project partners.