The Caribbean Civil Society SDGs Knowledge Platform is now live!
Facilitating participatory natural resource management: A toolkit for Caribbean managers. CANARI (2012).(Spanish, French)
CANARI Policy Brief No. 20: Enabling Civil Society in Saint Lucia to adapt to the impacts of climate change
CANARI Policy Brief No. 18: Data and information for effective protected area management in the Caribbean: tools and approaches
CANARI Technical Report No. 402: Toute Bagai: Small steps to build resilience to climate change
CANARI Issues Paper No. 1 (2010): Community participation in natural resource management: lessons from Caribbean small island states.
Development of a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy for the OECS
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) Caribbean Ecosystem Profiling Update
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) Caribbean Islands Programme
Consolidating the role of civil society in biodiversity conservation in the Caribbean islands